
DAI: Heated Discussion

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CelticWolfwalker's avatar

Literature Text

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Title: Heated Discussion
Author: CelticWolfwalker
Characters: Cullen/f!Inquisitor, Varric, Grey Warden


Loud voices were heard coming through the thick door, telling anyone that happened by that a rather heated argument was going on. And heated it was, for the people’s voices were loud enough that the muffled sound was discernible. One man leaned against the wall outside of the office door, trying to look as if he couldn’t hear the commotion going on inside. He smiled at passing servants and guards, giving them a nod to move along. No one questioned him and just hurried past. One passerby did stop and looked down at him and then to the door.

“They are at it again, Varric?” The burly man said.

“They are passionate about their views, Bara.” Varric grinned.

The giant Warden snorted. “I wouldn’t call that passion. Cullen really loves to play with fire when he is dealing with our little Inquisitor.”

“Don’t let her hear you call her ‘little’.” Varric chuckled. “Remember she has brought you down to size a time or two.”

Bara blushed under his beard and mumbled something under his breath. “How long has this been going on?”

“Oh, an hour or so.”

“Shouldn’t we stop it?”

“Nah. The door isn’t in cinders yet, so it is just a friendly disagreement still.”

“Still…” Bara looked at the door and winced as something crashed against it from inside.

“Those kids will come around. Don’t worry too much.”

“What do you know, dwarf?” Bara looked at Varric suspiciously.

“Oh, haven’t you ever wondered why Cullen and Cairren fight so passionately? They won’t ever admit, not to each other but I suspect they will come around eventually.”

“Then what is this ‘argument’ this time?”

“I wouldn’t be so imposing as to eavesdrop on our Inquisitor and Templar friend!” Varric gave a look of mock shock and dismay.

Bara snorted again, knowing the dwarf better. It was Varric’s trade to know secrets and find them out. “Don’t give me that line, dwarf.”

“Fine, don’t believe me!”

There was another crash against the door and roar of frustration coming from inside the room. Bara and Varric raised eyebrows and turned their ears toward the door.


“Throw all the stuff you want, Cairren!” Cullen roared at the obstinate woman. The mage had quite the temper and they often fought over protocols, strategy, and other things equating to gathering resources to support them as they searched for Fade tears. “You know I am right!”

“We need all the help we can get, Cullen! If I have to sleep with a demon to get what I want…”

“Do NOT even go there.” Cullen rumbled dangerously. “Nothing good comes from dealing with demons, as you should well know.”

“Now you are going to play the high and mighty Templar card?” Cairren’s brown eyes flashed at the man.

“Oh, don’t you even dare, woman! You asked me to join this merry band of yours. I still wonder at times why I agreed when I have to deal with such an obstinate, frustrating….”

“Don’t say it.” Cairren dropped her voice.

“Woman!” Cullen raked his hands through his hair, undoing the brushed back blonde hair and leaving it mussed up around his face. “You have no thought for your own safety and that you have to survive to close the Breach!”

“Who told you to be my protector?” Cairren stood there in front of Cullen, looking up at him with an angry set to her mouth. “This is not the Circle. You are not a Templar anymore. You have no authority over me.”

Cullen’s hazel eyes bored down into Cairren’s brown gaze, growling low in his throat that they should be even arguing like this again. Never had he such problems like this before with either Solonna or Marian. Oh, sure they were high spirited and independent but they were tame compared to Cairren. She was a strong mage, stronger then the Amell women. With that, came such a single-mindedness, strong will, and obstinacy that tried his patience. So, why did he always find himself in this office with a closed door, facing off against her, arguing with her, essentially putting himself through the insanity of questioning Cairren at every chance he could get?

He didn’t agree with some of the decisions she has made but then he was glad to not be the one making those tough calls over saving one group of people over keeping your base of operations in one piece. Each time those decisions were made; Cairren did so with a heavy heart. She did what was needed to be done. Then there were the things she had done that warmed his heart. The times when those hard walls were down and a softer woman was shown to the people who showed up to the keep, refugees from the ravages of war.

“I have no authority, Cairren, but you have no regard for you own safety and I do make it my prerogative to be there to protect you. THAT is my oath, my duty, not to the Inquisition but to you!” Cullen blurted out before his head could halt the words from spilling.

Cairren stood there with her mouth open, blinking a couple of times as if Cullen had grown two heads. The late afternoon sun streamed in and backlit her red hair, throwing a golden halo around her head. The beads worked into her braids, twinkled. Cullen felt his neck and ears grow hot as he snapped his mouth shut. The silence between them grew awkward. He suddenly felt like the young fresh recruit he once was and wished he was somewhere else. However, that feeling quickly passed for he was older now, more assured of whom he was and what he believed. Bringing his eyes back to the petite woman, he searched for something in her to acknowledge what was happening between them.

She turned away and walked over to the window. “Go, Cullen.” Cairren said quietly.


Her head snapped up to glare at Cullen. He took that opportunity to stride over to her, take Cairren’s face within his hands, and lean down to brush her lips with his. She didn’t respond at first, in shock at the sudden overture by the Templar but then she relented and it was Cullen’s turn to be a little shocked by her acceptance. The kiss deepened, Cullen’s fingers slid into Cairren’s fiery hair and grasped as he held her to him. He felt her hands close on the front of his shirt as she wrapped the material into her fists.

The woman exasperated him but the time he was with her, advising and leading the Inquisition’s growing army, Cullen gradually had fallen in love with Cairren. Solonna was a strong mage but Circle bred and restricted by the strict rules. He was too shy then to make any forward overtures and there was the fact that fraternizing with the Circle mages was forbidden. Then when he was assigned to Kirkwall and Marian Hawke sauntered into his life. She was sassy, witty, and to many who didn’t know her, didn’t look as she took things seriously. During their many talks, Cullen knew otherwise. Marian hid her pain, insecurities, and the immense weight she carried behind the snarky attitude. He admired her level headedness even when things fell apart in the end. Then she disappeared and it left Cullen aching. He cared for Marian in his own way and had become close friends, even if it didn’t reach to a more intimate level.

However, Cairren…

She was an enigma. The petite woman was all sass, sharp wit and intelligence, and a sharp tongue that could cut a strong man to shreds with a few pointed words.  No one knew where she came from, as Cassandra was the one to first encounter the mage after the event that changed the face of Thedas. At first appearances, Cairren can be hard and unmoving. She kept her emotions close to her chest. If the Circle was still viable, she would be considered a dangerous apostate. Unlike the other two women in Cullen’s life, Cairren was complicated.

He eased back the kiss, dragging out Carrien’s lips as he pulled back. Cairren looked up at him, the hardness in her soft brown eyes gone. Cullen gave her a soft smile and brought his hands to caress at her cheeks.

“This has to be one of the most effective ways to end an argument.” Cairren quipped.

“It certainly shut you up.” Cullen rumbled.

Cairren laughed softly. “So, what happens now?”

“This…” Cullen said softly as he lowered his mouth again to Cairren’s.


“Uh oh, things have gone quiet. That isn’t good.” Varric rumbled.

“Maybe they made up?” The Warden said, looking at Varric with some hope.

Varric shrugged and quietly put his hand on the door handle, opening the door quietly. Moving forward, Varric poked his head around the edge of the door, keeping the solid wood as a shield should another breakable item came crashing. What he saw widened his eyes and then a slow grin spread. “Oh, they made up alright.” As quietly as he opened the door, Varric shut it again, grinning widely.


“Oh, nothing.” The dwarf shook his head and headed away from the Inquisitor’s office.

A little one shot fiction here for the celebration of Cullen's romancability. :D
© 2014 - 2024 CelticWolfwalker
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dawntempest's avatar
Heh, you write sassy well