
ME: All the Things That I've Done Ch.23

Deviation Actions

CelticWolfwalker's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 23 – Live to Fight Another Day

Time seemed to freeze while Mira took the leap from the crumbling ledge toward the Normandy. Joker’s eyes widened as he lowered the rifle and reached out a hand to her. The edge of the hatch decking hit her forcefully in the chest, knocking the wind out of her even through the armor. Attempting to take a breath in, she felt Joker’s strong grip haul her up into the docking hatch and smack the door closed. Sparkles were flashing in her vision but she did not have time to worry about passing out. Steeling herself, she hustled after the pilot, followed by Thane. Garrus immediately went down to the weapons room. Looking at the countdown on her omnitool, she bit her lower lip and watched Joker steer the Normandy away from the Collector base.

Mira heard the Normandy scream as it sped through the wreckage of other unfortunate ships to the mass relay. Her grip on Joker’s chair was tight and she had to loosen it as her hand started to cramp. The swirling red light of the Omega 4 relay teased them on the horizon as they aimed for their escape.

“Better hold on to something, this going to get choppy.” Joker yelled back.

Looking down at the timer, Mira sucked in a breath and braced herself for the impending shockwave of the explosion. The trailing edge of the shockwave lifted the Normandy up and pushed the battered ship forward, causing panels to spark and crew to be tossed. Mira stood through it, gritting her teeth and watching the Collector base disappear into bits. A slow smile of satisfaction spread across her face. How dare the Illusive Man try to convince her to keep the base. That base was a culmination of what was evil and the ever present threat of the return of the Reapers. That the man wanted to use it for research, really threw serious doubts and distrust about his ulterior motives. Whatever they were, it was not for humanity’s best interest.

Once the shockwave passed them, Mira patted Joker’s shoulder. “Good flying, Joker. Now, take us home.”

“Aye-aye, Commander. Anything else?”

“When we get on the other side, ring up the Illusive ass. I have a few words to say to him.”

“My pleasure!” Joker’s face split into a shit-eating grin.

It was as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders when she strutted out of the briefing room. The smile on Mira’s face was full and she even started to laugh. Oh, she could add another enemy to her long list but Mira did not mind. Cerberus was an enemy before they realized it long ago. Though, what to do with those that were loyal to the pro-human terrorist group? Where to go to get the Normandy patched up? What was she to do now? She did not have access to her back pay from the Alliance, or any funds from the Council. Then again, Specters were expected to fund themselves for their equipment and travel expenses.

What was the next step in finding how the Reapers were coming? Pinching the bridge of her nose, Mira sighed. There was a lot of thinking and planning to do. As she walked out into CIC, the rescued crew was back at their stations, turned around to look at their commander. Yes, Cerberus hired them but most of the crew was former Alliance. Mira took in each face, happy to see them safe and sound. The memory of their time on the Collector base will forever be etched in their minds but they were home. One of the crewmembers stood up from his seat and started clapping. Another joined him, her hands coming together in a clap, followed by more of Mira’s crew applauding her. She stepped up to the platform overlooking the holographic display of the Normandy, smiling at each crewmember in turn. The interior hull of the Normandy rang with applause and cheers.

It made Mira’s heart fill with pride, knowing that these men and women trusted her to lead them and keep them safe. She had no doubt now that no one would abandon her or the Normandy. “Alright, back to work. We still have some repairs to do before we can limp into dock for some major patching.”

“Where to, Commander?” Joker called to her over the comm.

Good question, Mira wondered. The closest space dock was Omega. “It’s not the best choice but head to Omega.”

“Uh…okay. You are sure you don’t want to go to Illium? Nicer accommodations and well, we could use a little break.”

“Joker, is the Normandy in any shape to run through two more relays to get to Illium?” Mira asked.

“Well, no.”

“Then Omega it is. Contact Aria and inform her we need some repairs. Let her know that our affiliation with Cerberus is no longer active. We are…freelancing.”

“Arrrggh!” Joker let out a pirate noise that had Mira shake her head.

Kelly looked up at Mira, worry plain in her eyes. “What are we going to do now, Commander?”

“I honestly don’t know, Kelly.” Mira sighed.


--Three days after Normandy’s return from the 04 relay—

“I’m sure you understand our reservations regarding inducting another human into the Specters, Councilor.” The salarian told Anderson. “With Shepard’s status unknown regarding her affiliation with Cerberus, not to mention her rather unorthodox way of doing things, how do we know that Commander Alenko would be a good candidate?”

“You have seen his record, Councilor, and spoken to him yourself. He is more diplomatic than Shepard, but he is no less the soldier and negotiator than Shepard is. Right now, you need a solid Spectre working for you.”

“No doubt this will also further advance humanity’s needs within in the Council.” The turian Councilor growled.

“Commander Alenko is not corruptible, unlike Saren!” Anderson retorted heatedly.

“Enough.” The calm voice of the asari broke into the rising tension between the human and turian councilors. She turned her gaze to the silent man standing to Anderson’s left and motioned for him to step forward. “Commander Alenko, do you think you are ready to shoulder the heavy responsibility and duty of being a Council Spectre?”

Kaidan looked at the asari gravely and dipped his head before responding. “Yes, ma’am.”

With a knowing nod, the asari councilor looked to either side of her and dared her compatriots to disagree with her decision. Standing forward, her hand reaching out the panel before her, she spoke in a loud and clear voice, “Commander Kaidan Alenko, by the assent of the Council, you are hereby granted all powers and privileges of the Special Tactical and Reconnaissance branch of the Citadel. Spectres are not trained but chosen. They are forged in the fire of service and battle; whose actions elevate them above the rank and file.”

The salarian councilor picked up next, “Spectres are an ideal, a symbol, the embodiment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. They are the right-hand of the Council, instruments of our will.”

With a slight flutter of his mandibles, the turian councilor continued. “Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold.”

“Commander, I wish you well and hope that you will help Shepard in her cause.” The asari surprised Kaidan and Anderson with the sentiment. “We do not wish her ill but as long as Cerberus has her allegiance, we cannot do much for her.”

“I assure you, Councilor, Shepard does not wish to continue her alliance with Cerberus any longer than she has.” Kaidan said adamantly, believing his words and the faint hope that Mira could tear herself away the group’s grasp.

When there seemed to be nothing else to say, Anderson and Kaidan started to take their leave of the Council leaders. The asari stopped them, “You would be pleased to know the Normandy has made it back through the Omega 4 relay. Sources tell me that it was greatly damaged but still flying. It is currently making repairs on Omega.”

Anderson looked up in shock to hear that the Normandy made it through the Omega relay, where other ships had disappeared. Kaidan’s face shared the same expression and the two men looked to each other. Anderson bowed his head to the asari councilor, “Thank you for the news.”

The asari gave a brief smile and dismissed them. They both walked briskly toward the elevator, each wondering what was Mira doing at the Omega 4 relay and was that why the Normandy went off-grid? At least Joker got them back in one piece, Kaidan inwardly sighed in relief.

The elevator door closed on the men, each silent in their thoughts. Kaidan absently chewed at his lower lip, wondering if he could take a trip to Omega and see Mira before she disappeared to who knows where. There was so much they had to talk about and he was feeling anxious in wanting to see more than just a brief moment after a battle where heated words were exchanged. Feeling her dog tag against his chest brought some semblance of hope to Kaidan. She knew he still cared and loved her, after he gave her his remaining tag on Horizon.

“Kaidan, go to Omega and catch up with Shepard.” Anderson broke the silence.

“Are you serious?” Kaidan’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes. Get a sitrep from her. With her mission done, I’m sure she is thinking about what to do next. Hackett and I are still working on freeing her accounts, but you know red tape.”

“I’m sure Captain Bailey could help expedite matters, Councilor.” Kaidan gave a lopsided grin.

“He already has to some extent.” Anderson’s eyes gleamed with hidden mischief. “However,” he paused, “my time in the Council may be coming to an end shortly, Kaidan. So, I need you prepared and warn Shepard.”

“Warn her about what?” he asked in confusion.

“The wolves are already starting to nip at her heels.” Anderson replied cryptically. “It’s an old code phrase we used in the past and she will understand.”

As the doors to the elevator opened, Anderson and Kaidan stepped out onto the Presidium. Kaidan was getting worried for Anderson but knew that pressing any further would meet resistance. Giving a nod of agreement, Kaidan left Anderson and headed to his apartment to pack. He also needed to drop by the requisition officer in C-Sec and see about the specialty gear for Spectres. Kaidan still had the HMR heavy pistol that Mira bought him from three years ago. For her, the pistol was a holdout weapon, when her biotics were used heavily in combat. He had envied her for so long because of her control and endurance with nothing more than fatigue and low blood sugar. He would get a migraine after extended and heavy use of his own abilities during combat.

Had Mira found control again, Kaidan wondered. Well, he was about to find out in person if he made it to Omega in time. Not knowing the extent of the damages to the Normandy, Kaidan was safely estimating that standard repairs would be three days. It would take him one day on a courier to get to Omega. It was strange to think he could freely roam the Terminus Systems now that he was listed as a Spectre. These past few months seemed surreal but Kaidan also felt that the clock was winding down in the galaxy toward judgment day.


Aria welcomed Shepard to her couch in the Afterlife, looking at the human woman up and down. Shepard returned her stare, never flinching or backing off. Good, the Spectre has returned, Aria thought. Now, there was a problem, another Spectre had arrived on Omega. A human male, her sources told her, and he had that same precise stance as Shepard, which bespoke of Alliance Special Forces training. It was tight control and deliberate movement, the body always aware and ready for battle. The male could only be Commander Kaidan Alenko. That he was listed as a Spectre raised Aria’s curiosity. Why had the Council inducted another human soldier? Unless….he was here for Shepard.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure of your return? It is surprising you made it back from the relay in relatively one piece.”

“Yes, the Normandy is holding together with nothing but bubble gum and duct tape.” Shepard’s mouth quirked upwards.

“You humans have such…colorful phrases.” Aria shook her head. “After what you have done with Archangel, I’m surprised you came back.”

“The mercs wouldn’t dare touch me after I considerably thinned their numbers.”

“They deserved it. It actually helped me out.”

“Then I hope for that ‘favor’” Shepard paused a moment, letting the last word hang briefly, “you can help me. I need my ship patched up until I can get to a real dock.”

“You mean to a trustworthy dock.” Aria prompted.

“Touché.” Shepard bowed her head.

“I might be able to help. After all, one Spectre is enough to cause some minor irritation but two is asking for trouble that I do not want brought here.”

“Excuse me?” Shepard was surprised, Aria noticed.

“Ah, I forget you Spectres do not usually know each other until you meet. And then it is because that Spectre is there to kill a rogue.” Aria settled back into the couch, sipping at a drink that she picked up from a little table.

“You know this for certain, Aria? That this Spectre is after a rogue?” Shepard’s eyes narrowed her expression closing to a bland mask.

The asari crime lord shrugged her shoulders non-chalantly. “I don’t know for certain. I’m just saying that is why there are ever two Spectres in one place such as this.”

“I will take your words under advisement.” Shepard replied neutrally.

“Take them or not, I’m just commenting.” Aria took another drink. “Just don’t start trouble on my turf. Now, I will see about getting a quick and good repair team to patch up your ship so you can leave Omega as soon as possible.”


Mira had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach by Aria’s news. She did not think the Council would have declared her a rogue and send another Spectre after her. So, what did this mean? Surely, Anderson would have mentioned it but then again, the Normandy’s long-range communications were fried until they could get a real tech to fix it. Joker grumbled about the lack of extranet. However, they were here on Omega and if anything, it had spies of the Council here, so her whereabouts were bound to be reported to the Council.

Then who was this Spectre? Mira had never felt more alone than now, where her trusted crew on the Normandy or taking a breather in one of the many bars. No one bothered to do more than glance at her, as the human woman bristled power and an aura of “Don’t Fuck With Me," especially, when she wore a modified Alliance high-powered assault rifle on her back.

Could have Cerberus tipped off someone in the Council, to have her declared rogue? Mira’s nerves tightened at the thought and quickly scanned her surroundings as she walked the market district. There were too many dark alleys and windows from which to hide and ambush an unwary victim. The hairs on the back of her neck bristled in warning as Mira’s sixth sense felt someone following her. Trying to appear natural, Mira walked through the crowd, using clumps of aliens and vendors as a way to throw off her pursuer.

After five minutes, Mira still felt her shadow breathing down her neck. She readied her amps with checked energy and placed a hand to her heavy pistol at her hip. The clumps of people were getting sparse as the market dwindled from storefronts and businesses to warehouses. Looking at the edges of her peripheral vision, Mira could barely see the form of her pursuer. Dodging quickly into one of the alleys between two warehouses, Mira unsnapped her pistol, the grip conforming to her palm. She placed her back to the wall and hid in the shadows.

She waited for what seemed eternity and nothing walked across the opening of the alley on the street. Mira’s breathing was shallow and controlled, her head buzzing with checked biotic energy. Her trigger finger lay on the side of the pistol, waiting. Her hypersensitive hearing heard the faintest scuffle in the alley and Mira spun around, pistol pointed up and straight at her shadow’s chest. The blue corona off the body and the familiar electrical frequency were the only things that kept her from shooting.

Before she could say anything more, Kaidan stepped forward, his arm slipping around her waist, dragging her back to the wall, just as bolt of fire shot into the dark alley at where she stood mere seconds before. His hand came up with his pistol and fired, the precision shot landed on the assailant’s forehead.

Mira looked at the dark crumpled form at the entrance of the alleyway and up at Kaidan’s face as her body rested against him. His biotic energy pulsed around hers, so familiar and welcome. His smile at her was warm and tender. “You have quite the fan club, Shepard.” His voice rumbled quietly.

“What can I say, I’m irresistible.” Mira’s eyes snapped to the other side of alley and saw another form sneaking in. With a twitch of her arm, a blaze of dark energy flew out from her hand, pushing the enemy away hard, where a sickening crunch was audible down the alley.

“I think we better go before your dance card is all full.” Kaidan said quietly, his body bunching under her as he shifted away. Both soldiers used the alley wall for back cover, pistols drawn and pointed down, ready to fire should there be need. Mira poked her head around the corner and motioned Kaidan forward.

After nearly three years since they were last together in combat, the old squad tactics fell naturally into place. There was only one difference; Kaidan was more assured and assertive in his moves. Hop scotching down the dimly lit back street, Mira and Kaidan moved away from the warehouse district and back to the crowds of the market. Right as they were about to cross into the market district, a group of Blue Suns entered the street, blocking them, the leader was the familiar figure of Vido Santiago himself.

“Well, I guess I know who my dance partners are now.” Mira quipped.


“You are shitting me!” Zaeed yelled at Miranda, as he hastily snapped on his armor and strapped on an arsenal of weapons and grenades to his body.

“No, surprisingly, the news came from Aria who said Vido was here and after spotting Shepard, immediately sent his personal team after her.”

“Why is no one with her, watching her back in the god-damn place?”

“She wanted to talk to Aria alone.” Miranda snapped at the mercenary.

“Well, Miss Bad-Ass still needs someone watching her back. I hope I won’t be too late before Vido gets a hold of her.” The grizzled and scarred man growled, brushing rudely past Miranda and stomping down the decking to the elevator.

Miranda followed him quickly, slipping in through the closing doors. “And you are going to waltz there alone and take on Vido yourself?”

“This is my fight, Princess. Shepard knows that.” Zaeed trained his blind eye on the Normandy’s executive officer.

“Take Garrus at least. He was with you and Shepard there on Zorya.”

Zaeed grunted and as the elevator opened onto the CIC, he spotted the turian sniper and jerked his head. Garrus did not need to question the gesture and went to a locker to grab his rifle. Miranda watched the pair stalk off the Normandy.

The mercenary was determined to find Shepard and Vido. But he was damned if the woman was going to die now after pulling all their arses out of the fire a few days ago when they went through the Omega 4 relay. He was not doing this for pay, not after she told that bastard Illusive Man to fuck off. No, the old mercenary respected the woman. She was a tough-as-nails soldier who got the job done without getting squeamish when it was unpleasant. Even as tough as Shepard was, Vido and his personal squad were more than the commander could take on by herself.

“Damn fool woman.” Zaeed grumbled as he stormed Omega, heading for the market district, where Aria said Shepard headed.

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Mass Effect is copyrighted and owned by Bioware.
Mira Shepard belongs to me.
© 2012 - 2024 CelticWolfwalker
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guen20's avatar
Aw Zaeed!!! :pinches his cheek: